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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Episode Three Extras

Hey all,  just thought I'd throw up a few links and pictures based on what we talked about this episode.  Not a whole lot to post for yah but thought I'd throw it up.

Links for the news stories

There we are!  A few photos and news links for you all to check out!  Thanks For reading and if you haven't listened to us yet check us out on Itunes ...  http://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/guts-glory-nerd-mp3/id515885627

Cheers,  Chris and GGN

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Warcraft 3 Still #1 to Me

Hello all,

          Chris here, felt like taking a few minutes to talk about one of my favorite computer games of all time, which as you guessed is Warcraft 3.   Well 10 years into it I still love this game, it's timeless to me and cant see growing tired of it anytime soon.  There's two simple words and one very simple concept that keep this game alive in my heart to this day and that is "Tower Defense".  I have been playing TD's for the last 10 years and haven't lost the love yet, and really how could you.  Even people who aren't gamers and don't care for gaming love a good tower defense.  Usually played via ios or android these games are money makers because you can play for ten minutes or ten hours and the concept remains simple and fun as hell.

          Now I will say playing campaign is still fun and generally I will run through it once every 3 or 4 years so its just about that time again.  But at this point I find if I want to play Classic style of 2v2 or 5v5 Warcraft I'm better off going to Starcraft 2 and enjoying all the updated features and better graphics.  If that's your game and what you love I solute you in it but its just not for me.  TD's and Wintermaul  or Final Fantasy Maul or Simpsons Maul or any Maul for that matter is the game for me.  I will say I hope someday we see a Warcraft 4 so I can enjoy new Custom Games and brand new TD's for another 10 years.  That's all I have for today, let me know what you think on here or hit us up on twitter @gutsglorynerd.  

Chris and GGN 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Good Evening ladies and Gents!

Well tonight was the second time that GGN team saw the Dark Knight Rises and honestly we couldn`t be happier with the film. Just a solid way to spend 3 hours. Christopher Nolan you are a genius and I want to give you all my money before we elope.

You`ll be able to hear more of our Dark Knight Rises opinions in our 4th podcast, were going to discuss the film so spoilers are very likely. Honestly, just expect us to gush over it. We all like batman way too much.

Anyway our third podcast is being editted by Mike and he seems to be taking longer than we had anticipated. I guess that is our style though, we take just about forever to do even the slightest bit of work. Even getting us all to podcast can be hard, which when you come to think about it is silly. Podcasting is really just recording the dumb stuff we say with our friends. Truly not that demanding.

We are getting together again this Sunday if all things go well. We are still looking for a logo if anyone has any ideas, as well as ideas for good segments.  Also we might have to bring back the hate segment where we talk about which jerk we dislike this week.  Which at this point i feel like Dane Cook is a pretty good candidate. He is definitely wearing the asshole dunce hat this week.

Hopefully we update this more, but you can always check our twitter to see what were up too we regularly post on there. All three of us.  Feel free to comment, ask us questions, or call us out on stuff.

 Brandon & Guts Glory Nerd

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Well its been a whopping 3 months since we have last posted in here. Hopefully that is not a trend we will continue to follow. Anyway the point is that were hoping to to update our blog/twitter and podcasts a little more often than never. Just a little.

 Our plan is to podcast again this Thursday morning at Chris's house, which should be good. We haven't done it in a while and there is so much to talk about in movies, comics and just general life. Were thinking about shortening our podcasts just a little bit to about 30 minutes so that they are a little bit tighter and so that the content is a little bit more interesting. That way we would cut all the filler and leave only the good stuff.  Also i'll be working on a couple of diddies to add to the podcast to make it a little more musical and interesting.

Since we last updated The Avengers, Spiderman and The Dark knight Rises have all been released in movie theatres. This summer has been great for comic book movies and I don't think we could be much happier with this summers lineup. My personal favourite was the Dark Knight but we will discuss that this week.

Anyway, Its been about 10 years since i have had a decent functioning gaming computer so i decided to buy one this summer. Frankly, i couldn't be happier. I have been playing Diablo 3 and Final Fantasy 14. Both are excellent games and its definitely good to be playing an updated Diablo, those games are mint. Chris isn't a huge fan of Blizzard and hasn't touched the thing yet. Hopefully we can change his mind its great.   If anyone has any good suggestions for some great PC games that have been released recently let me know, im dying to try something new.

Anyway that is all for now, if you haven't seen spiderman or the dark knight yet, we highly recommend you do both are beyond excellent.


Brandon & GGN

Monday, March 26, 2012

Guts Glory Nerd ... First Issue

Hello everyone!

       Welcome one and all to the inaugural post for GGN.  This blog is a collaboration of myself (Chris Smith), Mike Mchugh and Brandon Henderson.  A place to come and talk all about whatever interests us this week.  Could be comics, video games, movies an original story made up specifically to confuse and amaze whatever seems like a good idea at the time.  Still working on getting the recording of our first podcast done and will hopefully have it up within the next week or so.

image from Batman #1

       So i thought for my first blurb here id talk about the new 52 batman series by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo.  So for this series has pitted Bruce Wayne against the Court of the owls and the Talons.  These books have me seriously addicted and waiting to find out what happens every moth.  As a new comic book collector The timing of the new 52 series couldn't have worked out better for me because i can easily follow the whole series from the beginning and now have to go crazy trying to find early issues.  The introduction of the court of the owls as an enemy that has always been there secretly hunting Gotham. It's a refreshing take as compared to the same old group popping up to be punched into submission in a single issue.  This isn't a single enemy this is a society that has been around for hundreds of years, and by the looks of it they are not planning on leaving any time soon.  The release of the talons have me very excited for #8 I can't wait to read and find out how the release of the talons will Devastate Gotham.  Overall I'm greatly impressed and excited for the future of this series.  Thanks to anyone who reads this our maiden voyage and we will be back soon to bring you more.  -Chris-

Batman #1-7