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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Warcraft 3 Still #1 to Me

Hello all,

          Chris here, felt like taking a few minutes to talk about one of my favorite computer games of all time, which as you guessed is Warcraft 3.   Well 10 years into it I still love this game, it's timeless to me and cant see growing tired of it anytime soon.  There's two simple words and one very simple concept that keep this game alive in my heart to this day and that is "Tower Defense".  I have been playing TD's for the last 10 years and haven't lost the love yet, and really how could you.  Even people who aren't gamers and don't care for gaming love a good tower defense.  Usually played via ios or android these games are money makers because you can play for ten minutes or ten hours and the concept remains simple and fun as hell.

          Now I will say playing campaign is still fun and generally I will run through it once every 3 or 4 years so its just about that time again.  But at this point I find if I want to play Classic style of 2v2 or 5v5 Warcraft I'm better off going to Starcraft 2 and enjoying all the updated features and better graphics.  If that's your game and what you love I solute you in it but its just not for me.  TD's and Wintermaul  or Final Fantasy Maul or Simpsons Maul or any Maul for that matter is the game for me.  I will say I hope someday we see a Warcraft 4 so I can enjoy new Custom Games and brand new TD's for another 10 years.  That's all I have for today, let me know what you think on here or hit us up on twitter @gutsglorynerd.  

Chris and GGN 

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